Construction Investment Project of National Architectural Planning & Construction Exhibition

A Group B project, and a grade I work, whose scale is 2.94 hectares, receiving a total investment of 250 billion, and completed in 18 months. This is the place to display and publish the models and blueprints of the capital Hanoi and other cities in the [...]

By | 2018-09-28T12:19:30+07:00 August 8th, 2018|key project|0 Comments

Construction Investment Project of Underground Parking in Kinh Thien Garden

This is the first large-scale parking lot in Hanoi was built under a garden of trees and a lake. Located in Ba Dinh Political Center, the parking area includes 3 underground floors of approximately 21,000m2 wide, with capacity of 500 vehicles; and a comprehensive system of modern equipments. [...]

By | 2018-09-28T12:19:40+07:00 August 8th, 2018|key project|0 Comments

Project of Vietcombank Training Center in Ecopark

The complex consists of four main blocks: 01 block of 9-storey hotel ; a block of 02 international conference and seminar center, and 01 basement; a block of 5-storey building with classrooms, lecture halls and many auxiliary works such as football pitch, tennis court, swimming pool, etc. [...]

By | 2018-11-05T10:38:00+07:00 August 8th, 2018|key project|0 Comments
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